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We bear responsibility for the environment and therefore minimizing the negative environmental effects caused by tourism is important to us. In our experiences and activities, we strive to be nature-friendly, and we operate on the terms of nature and animals. You can taste the locality in our products, since they are local food and organic.

Our sleds are less motorized (four-stroke sleds). We strive to reduce the amount of waste and sort the inevitably generated waste. We do not use disposable containers. As far as possible, we try to use local operators, services or products. We strive to reduce the use of paper and in many cases, such as invoicing, we use electronic alternatives.

We choose partners who are active in sustainable development as our partners. We strive to develop our destination from Lapland's own starting points, respecting traditions, the environment and nature. We want to develop our entire neighborhood, highlight traditions and history more. Local know-how and local companies are used in all the company's operations.

We have certification of sustainable travel and tourism in the Good Travel Seal program and also the Sustainable Travel Finland label as a recognition of valuable and long-term work for sustainable tourism.